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As a Porn/Sex Addict in Recovery, HOW do I Let Go of Deep Feelings of Shame & Unworthiness?

In episode 149, Mark & Steve reach out to an addict in recovery who expressed some very deep feelings and meaning questions— Hi Mark and Steve, I love your podcast and have learned a ton from your experiences! Thank you for all that you do for the SA recovery community! I'm a betraying partner in recovery from porn and sex addiction. I've been working with a CSAT for 10 months and engage in separate therapy and accountability groups each week. My wife and I completed a therapeutic disclosure 4 months ago and just started couples' counseling this week. I struggle with a deep feeling of worthlessness that manifests in many areas of my life - being afraid of failure, perfectionism, and having trouble accepting affirmation even from fellow people in recovery. My question is: What steps can I take to overcome that feeling of worthlessness? My partner and I explored EFT (Hold Me Tight) months ago and agreed that it was not the time to discuss forgiveness. Even if she forgave me, I'm not sure my self-worth would allow me to accept it. - Where do feelings of "worthlessness" come from? A distorted view of one’s identity! - What does being an "addict" mean to you? - Is addiction an "identity" or one of many attributes? - Do you believe you can change? Do you deserve change? Do you deserve Something better? - What part does "spiritually" play in all of this? - What is my identity/place in the universe? - What is my TRUE potential for growth and change? - What do I have to contribute to the world? - How can "parenting your inner child" help you break the bands of worthlessness? - Are you willing to allow your partner to choose you or reject you on their terms, rather than making assumptions and deciding for them? - Are you practicing "vulnerability" in your relationships with self and others? Why or why not? What do I need to do to resolve these obstacles?

Learn more about Mark and Steve's revolutionary online porn/sexual addiction recovery and betrayal trauma healing program—"Dare to Connect!" You have live access to Mark and Steve in 3 one-hour sessions every week—addicts, spouses and couples! And live support groups on weekends, facilitated by Mark and Steve! To try a free, 2-week trial, visit—

Find out more about Steve Moore at: Ascension Counseling Learn more about Mark Kastleman at: Reclaim Counseling Services

Here's an article with some practical tips on HOW to STOP watching porn—

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