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How Can I “Adequately” Explain to My Spouse WHY I Looked at Porn?

Here's a question from a PBSE listener— I am a recovering sex and porn addict working on my recovery and trying to reconcile with my wife and heal our marriage. She is constantly asking questions as too why I looked at porn and web cams and also commented and looked at women with lust. I struggle to answer this question in a way that satisfies her if that’s even possible. Any way you can help us navigate this difficult question would be helpful. Thanks This is a VERY common challenge and opportunity in the addiction recovery and betrayal trauma healing processes. Mark and Steve address several key issues with this topic— - Unraveling the "reasons" behind porn use and sex addiction takes time and often, insights that we do not have early in the recovery process. We must develop sufficient "mindfulness skills" to successfully navigate this process. And it often takes outside help to do it. - Addiction IS a form of "insanity." There are "reasons" and components that may NEVER make sense! We can walk a spouse through the "logic in the moment-of-acting-out," and come to conclusion that it was NOT in fact logical at all! - AFTER a full disclosure by the addict to their spouse, HOW can a couple come to a place where there is a feeling of SAFTEY and an ability to move forward?

Learn more about Mark and Steve's new online program—"Dare to Connect!" You have live access to Mark and Steve three times a week--addicts, spouses and couples! Visit— Find out more about Steve Moore at: Ascension Counseling

Learn more about Mark Kastleman at: Reclaim Counseling Services Curious about "why" porn/sex addicts do the kinds of things they do? Check out this article Want to learn more about how to move out of "toxic sex" in a marriage relationship and into "True Intimacy"?—



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